
Welcome to Schule

We are an academic residential college made up of students, scholars, old collegians and staff members.
0% Passing to Universities
0 People working
0 Students Enrolled
0 Years of experience
0 Happy Smiles

Success Stories

Admission Steps

Submit your application materials by our priority deadline of May 15.
We ask for Math, English, and Arts teacher recommendations.
The auditionis an important step in the admission process.

School Life

SLEEK Press Release

SLEEK Press Release

PRESS RELEASE Title: Sierra Leone Education in Entrepreneurial Pedagogy & Skills (SLEEK) Project Launched to Enhance Entrepreneurship Education and Job...

Parents Say

I can positively say Schule has made my son a better person. It has helped him develop a positive attitude towards his studies

John Stevens

Open Day 2017

Ever wondered what School life is like.
Take a tour of Schule and speak directly to current students to hear about what it’s like to live on campus.
Saturday, 26 August 2017
9am – 4pm