Finance Director (Acting)

Dr. Abu Kai Kamara

B.Sc. Ed(USL); M.S, PhD.(UW-MaaB.Sc. Hons. USL); FCCA (UK); ACCA(UK/SL); M.Phil. Acct & Fin (USL); M.Sc. Strategic Planning (Endinburgh Bus. Sch.) Ph.D. Acct,& Fin. (USL)dison)

2024 – Present

Dr. Abu Kai Kamara (PhD, FCCA), attended the United Methodist Church (UMC) Boys School in Koidu Town, completing classes from Class 1 to 6. He then continued his primary education at the Roman Catholic Primary School Teko Barracks in Makeni.


Dr. Abu Kai Kamara(PhD, FCCA), attended the United Methodist Church (UMC) Boys School in Koidu Town, completing classes from Class 1 to 6. He then continued his primary education at the Roman Catholic Primary School Teko Barracks in Makeni. His secondary schooling began at the Makeni Comprehensive Academy Secondary School, where he completed Form 1 to 5. Later, his mother took him to Freetown, where he stayed with his uncle at the Wilberforce Barracks. In Freetown, he was enrolled in Albert Academy Secondary School, covering Lower Six to Upper Six. He entered Fourah Bay College during the 1992/93 academic year at the intermediate year level (Year 2). In 1996, he obtained his Bachelor of Science in Economic and Social Studies with Honours in Accounting. His academic pursuits continued with a Master of Philosophy in Accounting from the University of Sierra Leone, Master of Science in Strategic Planning from the Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University (United Kingdom), PhD in Accounting and Finance from the University of Sierra Leone (awarded in 2010) and Postgraduate Research Studies at the Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University (United Kingdom). Furthermore, he holds the following Professional Certifications: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA): Year of Membership: 10 March 2012 Certificate No.: 00941465, Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant (FCCA): Year of Membership: 11 March 2017 Certificate No.: 1119738


Teaching Experience:

Lecturer- Fourah Bay College – University of Sierra Leone- January 2021 to present Accounting and Finance Department, Associate Lecturer- Fourah Bay College- University of Sierra Leone October 2006-September 2007- Accounting Department, Lecturer – Fourah Bay College- University of Sierra Leone – October 2004-September 2006- Accounting Department, Research Teaching Assistant October 2002-September 2004- Accounting Department and Part-Time Lecturer- IPAM -2002-2005.


Professional Experience:

Acting Finance Director, University of Sierra Leone (February 2024 – Present); Team Leader, Malawi Education Services Joint Funding (ESJF), Fiduciary Agent, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Malawi (November 2018 – December 2020); Financial Management Specialist Consultant, Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation/National Malaria Control Program (February 2017 – March 2018); Financial Management Specialist Consultant, Catholic Relief Services, Sierra Leone (March 2017 – November 2017); Senior Programme Manager – Global Fund Grants, Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Sierra Leone – Programme Management Unit (PMU) (October 2011 – September 2016); Principal Recipient Coordinator – Team Leader, Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Sierra Leone – Programme Management Unit (PMU) (June 2008 – September 2011); Director of Finance and Administration, Sierra Leone Red Cross Society (October 2005 – June 2008); WHO Budget Consultant for the Global Fund Malaria Grant submission (Sierra Leone was successful and the grant was awarded); Project Finance and Administrative Officer, Principal Recipient of Global Fund Tuberculosis Round 2 and Malaria Round 4 grants, Sierra Leone Red Cross Society (March 2004 – September 2005) and Accountant, Wackenhut International Company Sierra Leone Branch (May 1999 – July 2002)

Dr. Abu Kai Kamara, a distinguished scholar and academic, is closely affiliated with the University of Sierra Leone – Fourah Bay College. In his capacity as the Head of the Department of Accounting and Finance, he plays a pivotal role in shaping the academic landscape. Dr. Kamara’s pedagogical prowess extends to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, whom he diligently instructs.

Beyond teaching, Dr. Kamara actively supervises research endeavours undertaken by these students. His contributions to scholarly investigations span diverse domains, including financial systems, governance, and economic development within Sierra Leone. His rigorous work not only advances academic understanding but also holds policy and practical implications for the nation. Dr. Abu Kai Kamara’s commitment to excellence continues to enrich the academic community and foster progress in his field.

Dr. Abu Kai Kamara is a scholar and researcher affiliated with the University of Sierra Leone – Fourah Bay College. His work primarily focuses on topics related to accounting, finance, and economic development. Here are some of his scholarly papers:

  1. The Study on Effectiveness of Internal Audit on the Performance of the Public Sector in Sierra Leone: This case study investigates the impact of internal audit on public sector performance in Sierra Leone. The paper is available for download here1.
  2. The Study of the Impact of Microfinance on Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Sierra Leone: Dr. Kamara explores the effects of microfinance on SMEs in Sierra Leone, specifically focusing on ECOBANK Microfinance. You can finDr. Abu Kai Kamara is a scholar and researcher affiliated with the University of Sierra Leone – Fourah Bay College. His work primarily focuses on topics related to accounting, finance, and economic development. Here are some of his scholarly papers:
  3. The Study on Effectiveness of Internal Audit on the Performance of the Public Sector in Sierra Leone: This case study investigates the impact of internal audit on public sector performance in Sierra Leone. The paper is available for download here1.
  4. The Study of the Impact of Microfinance on Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Sierra Leone: Dr. Kamara explores the effects of microfinance on SMEs in Sierra Leone, specifically focusing on ECOBANK Microfinance. You can find this paper here1.
  5. The Impact of Tax Strategies on Revenue Mobilization in Sierra Leone: This research delves into the relationship between tax strategies and revenue collection in Sierra Leone. The paper is accessible here1.
  6. Impact of Foreign Aid on Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation in Sierra Leone: Dr. Kamara collaborates with Prince Lahai Momoh to analyze the impact of foreign aid on economic development and poverty reduction in Sierra Leone. The paper can be found here1.