Deputy Vice Chancellor

Prof. Ing. Kelleh Gbawuru- Mansaray

B.Sc. (USL), M.Sc. (OL, DE); PhD. (Dal, CA), PEng, FSLIE

2024 – Present

In four years time, we will hit two hundred years. Over close to two centuries, Fourah Bay College has seen it all: the nursing of an institution that was to contribute to the production of the leaders who were to take over from the reigns of colonialism, and indeed in the formation of men and women from across West Africa and beyond to lead their Nations to the heydays when the College became the Athens of West Africa right down the sad years of depression in the 1980s, military coups and civil wars in the 1990s which particularly hit hard on Sierra Leone, forcing the flight of the high profile human resources and subsequent neglect of the Citadel of higher learning, eventually leading to the deterioration of the high standards of the College.

We are very happy to see that as we move closer to two centuries of existence, the efforts of successive Administrations are beginning to bear fruits, with the hope of reviving the College’s past glory now a reality that all of us are together working towards.

The current Administration has set out an Agenda, which we have already started rolling out. Our focus and energies will be directed towards the attainment of this Agenda, which we are confident will take the College to the next level!

The Administration’s primary focus is on revenue generation to enable the implementation of transformative programmes, projects, and activities that will accelerate the restoration of the past glory of the College. We have a portfolio of projects, which include the construction of Lecture Rooms, enhancement of the College’s ICT Infrastructure and wide availability of Internet to faculty, staff, and students, expansion of students’ hostels and staff quarters, fencing of the campus, equipping laboratories, providing transportation facility for students, and ensuring a secure and conducive campus for learning and living of residents, including staff and students.

Our second major focus is to build systems that will support the delivery of quality teaching and standard assessment of students, enhance the research activities of faculty, and promote the outreach drives of the College through the optimal use of ICT – the USL Portal and the e-Learning infrastructure. We, as a College, are fully committed to ensuring that ICT is fully mainstreamed in our operations.

We have therefore resolved on catalyzing a high level of commitment from faculty, staff, students, alumni, friends, and all other stakeholders toward the timely and effective execution of tasks leading to the achievement of the following goals/objectives:-

  • Fully mainstream ICT – the optimal use of the Portal – in the College, by the commencement of the 2023/2024 Academic Year;
  • Engage in revenue-generating activities such as designing and running special programmes, short courses, and undertaking business ventures;
  • Establish a viable Research Basket to support and promote research projects and publication by members of the faculty;
  • Create a safe, conducive, and intellectually stimulating environment for students, faculty/staff, and their family members, as well as other community members accessing the facilities of the College.